We last told you about singer-songwriter and musician Jesse Crowe (aka Praises) when they released the Life Is Just A Picture single back in late May. Now the Toronto-based artist has returned with a new video from their new sophomore effort In This Year: Hierophant. We couldn’t wait to share it with you.
Speaking on the song, Our Father, Crowe explains: “In the years following the Me Too movement, it can feel as though every safe feeling male mentor will be exposed as an abuser. Our Father is a letter to Nick Cave, and is meant to playfully invoke his tone as a means to warn him against ever being a pig.”
Check out Our Father in the embed below, and be sure to listen to the rest of the album here. In other news, the record release show goes down at the Horseshoe Tavern in Toronto on August 11th.
If you dig this, check out “Praises – Life Is Just A Picture”